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This is your place

Across the globe, forward-thinking cities are re-centering their public library systems as hubs for creativity, collaboration, education, innovation, and workforce development.

The Omaha Central Public Library will be one of the largest philanthropic commitments to a public library system in recent years. Opening in 2026, this world-class library is an investment in literacy, digital equity, community development, and individual potential.

The inclusive, accessible space is designed with all generations in mind; it will provide the information you want, services and programs you need, and the meeting and creative spaces you crave.

Find yourself in a book, a project, an idea. Find yourself thriving. Find yourself here.

“A library is a focal point, a sacred place to a community; and its sacredness is its accessibility, its publicness. It’s everybody’s place.”

URSULA k. LE GUIN, author

Snapshots from community events and public engagement initiatives